Aline Smithson

Photography & Intermedia



Arrangement in Green and Black, Portraits of the Photographer’s Mother

This series had serendipitous beginnings. I found a small print of Whistler’s painting, Arrangement in Grey and Black: Portrait of the Painter’s Mother, at a neighborhood garage sale. The same weekend, I found a leopard coat and hat, a 1950’s cat painting, and what looked like the exact chair from Whistler’s painting. That started me thinking about the idea of portraiture, the strong compositional relationships going on within Whistler’s painting, and the evocative nature of unassuming details.

The series incorporates traditional photography techniques, yet becomes richer with the treatment of hand painting. It is my intent to have the viewer see the work in a historical context with the addition of color, and at the same time, experience Whistler’s simple, yet brilliant formula for the composition.
My patient 85 year-old mother posed in over 20 ensembles, but unfortunately passed away…

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Today I’m pleased ….

Herman van Bon Photography

TheBoss2 …. and also surprised for this blog is mentioned in the Top 500 photo blogs  by Norwegian/USA-based photographer Otto von Münchow . I knew that he was following this blog for sometime and also figured out that he occasionally really looked into it and seriously selected the postings he really likes. It’s not about the quantity of ‘likes’ (although it looks good) but the quality is what counts most at the end.

‘Pleased’ because I experience this listing as a kind of recognition and ‘surprised’ because there are so many excellent photographers out there.

I also realise that I still have a long way to go before I’m near to what I want to achieve. There is a lot of competition amongst photographers in a, so it seems, declining market. Competition is healthy; it keeps one alert and on the dot. Despite competition it’s also healthy to exchange with colleagues…

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I needed some exercise!

roy thoman photography

For the past few months I’ve been in somewhat of a creative slump. Sort of a photographer’s block. I didn’t feel creative enough to take photos. The photos I did take didn’t end up looking the way I wanted them to. When I take a photo I get a vision in my mind of how I want it to look. My vision and my camera somehow become one. Lately though, my vision and my camera have been disconnected.

Creativity is like a muscle. You need to exercise it or it will get weak. My creative muscle was getting weak. This is the time of year when we get some nice fog in the mornings. I like taking photos on those foggy mornings. There were a couple foggy mornings that snuck up on me and I missed them all together. There was one I was ready for; I woke up early…

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